Ask Pastor John (Piper): Marriage

"It is better to marry than to burn with passion"—What does this mean?

What should a pastor think about marrying non-believers?

Is it foolish to marry someone I know will die soon?

If a husband or wife has cheated, but then decides to stay with their spouse, where do they go from here?

How can I heal my marriage after committing adultery?

What should I do if my wife says she doesn't love me?

Is it biblical to think that physical attraction must be a component of a godly marriage?

How should a husband and wife manage having opposite sex-drives?

How can wives encourage their husbands?

How is marriage a mystery?

What do headship and submission in marriage mean?

What should a wife do when her husband doesn't lead spiritually?

Is it wrong for married people to have friends of the opposite sex?

What is at stake in the battle to redefine marriage?

What can I say to my Christian friend who just got engaged to a non-Christian?

How should a couple considering marriage deal with sexual sins from previous relationships?

What do you think of using the internet to find a spouse?

What should a wife's submission to her husband look like if he's an abuser?

What would you say to a couple who feel very differently about the direction their life should take?

Why do you think some people reject the command that wives should submit to their husbands?

What can I do to help my parents stay together?

How should God's willingness to divorce in Jeremiah 3:8 affect our view of divorce?

Does the Bible allow for divorce in the case of adultery?

Can I remarry if my spouse divorces me and marries another?

How should we respond to friends who are considering divorce?