A Plea for Personal Purity
It’s a message every young person needs to hear—but not just the young. Whatever your age, if you’re a Christian, God expects you to avoid sexual sin.
Thankfully, He also equips you to meet that expectation.
In A Plea for Personal Purity, John MacArthur examines the sex-saturated culture around us, unmasking the lies about sex it perpetuates, and showing how society’s obsession with sex has waged war against the Christian. Originally preached to students at The Master’s College—but applicable to every age— A Plea for
Personal Purity is armor you need.
Dealing with Sin in the Heart
Sexual Purity, Part 1
Sexual Purity, Part 2
Sexual Survival in an Age of Temptation
God created it, sin corrupted it, Hollywood and Madison Avenue have made a killing off it. Sex is probably one of the most talked about, written about topics around. When enjoyed as God designed, it’s a wonderful human experience. When we go against God’s design, it can destroy families, careers, ministries, and literally kill.
So, in a day when you can hardly glance at a billboard without being confronted by unwholesome images, how do you stay pure? Is cutting yourself off from the media the key to overcoming temptation? What can and should you do to know victory over sexual sin?
In Sexual Survival in an Age of Temptation, John MacArthur helps you understand and apply the standards God has established for your thoughts and behavior in the area of sexual sin. This study can help you strengthen your commitment to purity and overcoming sexual temptation.
Abstaining from Sexual Sin, Part 1
Abstaining from Sexual Sin, Part 2
The Sinfulness of Sin
“Am I really all that bad?”
If you haven’t said those words, you’ve probably at least thought them, and with reason. You can always find a worse offender, someone who has violated God’s standards to a degree you’ve never approached. Fact is, there is probably a long list of sins you have never committed, never will, would never think to commit.
But does God measure sin on a sliding scale? What are His expectations, His requirements--not just for your behavior but also your thoughts, whether or not you ever act on them?
In The Sinfulness of Sin, John MacArthur moves you beyond a shallow view of sin to expose the heart attitudes where sin takes root. These six messages will help reveal whether you have a genuine desire to please God, or a sham faith. Either way, you need to know the truth.
Who Is an Adulterer? Part 1
Who Is an Adulterer? Part 2