Covenant Life Church on Men & Women

The Woman of Valor
Joshua Harris - The woman of valor, because she fears the Lord, serves others with her skills and influences others toward wisdom.
The Glory of Christ in Marriage
Brian Chesemore - God displays the glory of Christ in marriages shaped by his design. Husbands, by their loving leadership, and wives, by their thoughtful submission, can demonstrate the relationship between Jesus and the church.
Carolyn Mahaney - God prescribes a two-step beauty regimen for
godly women: Trust God and adorn oneself with good works. This true beauty will not fade and will glorify the Father in heaven.
Doing Things Right in Matters of the Heart
John Ensor - The gospel transforms how men and women relate to one another.
What Does It Mean To Be A Woman?
Carolyn Mahaney looks at how God created women, and how this requires us to start with God in looking at what it means to be a woman. She considers the calling of the woman to be a helper to man, and examines how this can be done throughout different seasons of life.
Head Coverings
Joshua Harris addresses the interesting topic of headgear and helps us understand its implications for today based on the headship of God and Christ over man and woman.
Roles of Men and Women
Grant Layman helps us see how God's design for our roles in marriage is not only right, it is good, and how we are to function in our distinct roles as men and women primarily in the marriage relationship.
Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
Grant Layman looks at the roles of men and women which God created for marriage and the church. When God-given distinctives are denied, altered, or ignored disaster occurs in marriages, families, and churches.
A Woman Worthy to be Praised
Isaac Hydoski will help us see the praiseworthiness of all the moms around us who live out Proverbs 31 the cherished passage of Scripture which describes for us a woman who is worthy of praise.
Seven Habits of the Highly Effective Woman
Carolyn Mahaney reminds us that we must not forget that we have been justified by grace alone because of Christ alone, we have been given the Holy Spirit to help us grow, and we have been granted the stunning privilege of bringing glory to God.
She Rises Early & Our Pursuit of the Spiritual Disciplines
Betsy Ricucci, Julie Purswell, and Nancy Loftness all share on the importance of pursuing spiritual disciplines.
Regular Times for Planning / To-Do Lists
Clara Boisvert; Karin Layman; Valori Maresco - Learn to have a God-centered view of your different roles within the home.